For the past six months, we have posted on this blog almost daily in our effort to assist prospective pharmacy students. By word of mouth alone, the number of visitors to our blog has increased significantly and we thank you all for that. It is gratifying to realize that we have been able to help so many wonderful people.
As of today, we will no longer be posting on this blog. Sad, I know. However, we are excited to inform you that we have created a new web forum at:
The reason for this change is that the one thing a blog does not easily permit is the fostering of a sense of community. It is our hope that this forum, however, will allow dialogue between the many future pharmacists who have frequented the blog.
We will still post frequently and we will still respond to emails. The information contained on this blog will be migrated over to the new forum shortly.
Please take a moment to register at the new site. Look around and please tell us a little bit about yourself under the WELCOME forum at the top of the page. This forum a work in progress, and thus, we would appreciate your feedback, suggestions, etc. Please make it your forum.
See you there!