Thursday, September 10, 2009

Will my MBA help me?

Question: In 2004 I went back to school to get my MBA. I graduated in 2006. I continued working full-time and went to school on nights and Saturdays. If I get accepted to pharmacy school, I will quit my fulltime job. However, should I use getting my MBA while working fulltime as an example of my strong time management skills, etc. in my supplemental application? On my supplemental application, the question is in regards to why I think I will be able to handle a rigorous work load and the demands of a pharmacy program.

Does the fact that I have my MBA and did fairly well in the program (GPA of 3.6) matter at all especially since an MBA program is not science based? What do you generally think of applicants with a science major (Biology) undergraduate degrees and then a Masters in totally different field

Answer: This is a very good question. I think you should definitely use your MBA program success to your advantage when applying. Particularly, if you were able to do so while working full time. Although it is not science based, many pharmacists continue their education with MBA, JDs, etc and I applaud them for doing so.

As a committee member, I am easily impressed by applicants who have advanced degrees no matter the field - it shows a desire to excel. I think you can make a very strong case for being able to handle the rigors of pharmacy school, but I would reinforce to the committee that pharmacy school will be your full time job would also be helpful.

Good luck.

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