Monday, June 1, 2009

Question about prerequisite courses

Question: I had a question. In college, I took English Composition I and Non-Fiction Writing. Would this count as the 2 pre-requisite classes needed to fulfill the English Composition (6 credit hours) requirement? I just wasn't sure if the classes specifically needed to be titled as English composition I and II.

Answer: I suspect this would meet the requirement at most institutions. As always, however, please contact the admissions office (email would certainly work) just to be sure. You don't want to have an awful surprise when you are applying and find out that you still need another course.

As noted many times, I am very happy to answer questions regarding courses you have taken or those which you plan to schedule. However, as I mentioned in my response to this questioner, ALWAYS contact the school(s) directly to get an answer from them. One school might accept Non-Fiction Writing and another may not. A quick email or phone call should get you the necessary information and save you $8 on the giant bottle of Excedrin you would have to buy for the headache this created should you not complete your diligence.

Thanks for your email. Please keep the questions and comments coming. I reviewed a number of personal statements this weekend and may ask permission to post some of the things I read (both positive and negative).

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