Monday, May 24, 2010

Can I get an LOR from a teacher's assistant (TA)?

Question: I have a great relationship with my Chemistry Teaching Assistant. Is it okay to get a letter from her?

Answer: I think most committee members look at Teaching Assistants as sort of quasi-students and/or friends. Although this may not always be the case, I would strongly suggest finding a professor to write your letter of recommendation. If you worked on a project or something very specific with a TA and they can make a strong case for your aptitude and work ethic, you may want to add that as a 3rd or 4th LOR. However, I wouldn't use a TA recommendation in place of one from the instructor of record.

1 comment:

Eric Green said...

In the physiology series I took, the "TA" was the only instructor. Kind of sucks for LOR purposes.

He will have his doctorate by the time the schools look at the application. Do you think this will help?